How Insler & Hermann' Own Stephanie Burkland Changed the Way that the Social Security Administration Does Business
Here at Insler & Hermann, we have found that winning a Social Security Disability claim is the result of dozens, if not hundreds, of separate action steps taken by our dedicated attorneys and staff. No one particular step is any more important than another, and there is usually no single thing that can be singled out as the reason a case is won. It's the combination of everything we do that leads to favorable decisions. Our work is not over when a favorable decision comes in, however. In fact, it is at that point that we do for our clients what I consider to be the single most important thing: review their award certificate, the document that explains their retroactive and ongoing payments and the attorney's fee. Mistakes in that document are common, and a claimant who has never seen one before doesn't know what to look for. In our office, we take this review very seriously, and our entire staff is vigilant to catch mistakes made by the Social Security Administratio...